Title: Collaborative Optimal Control and Safety Operation of Distributed Energy Interconnection Systems Abstract: Energy issues are the greatest challenge humanity faces in the 21st century. Therein, the distributed energy interconnection system is the product of the integration of traditional energy systems with modern information technology, forming a high-dimensional, strongly coupled, distributed dynamic system. In China, this clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient distributed energy interconnection system with goals to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. is willing to being built. However, optimizing collaborative decision-making and ensuring safe operation of distributed energy interconnection systems are urgent and significant scientific challenges at present. Thus, we have been engaged in research on optimization collaborative decision-making and safe operation of distributed energy interconnection systems for over 30 years. In optimization collaborative decision-making issue, the definition of iterative admissible control is firstly proposed, which becomes a common definition in the field of ADP. Secondly, the topological homeomorphism phenomenon between iterative optimal control and neural dynamics is discovered, and the principle of multi-dynamic homeomorphism compression is proposed. Thirdly, the basic properties of optimality (convergence and stability) of self-learning ADP are proved, and the optimal controller is made leapfrog from experience trial and error to fully automated design for the first time. Fourthly, a general framework for self-learning optimal control that can handle constraints is established through introducing a novel non-quadratic functional. Fifthly, we established a large-scale interconnection system's event-triggered self-learning optimal control mechanism, significantly reducing the system's computational and communication burden. This result is a universal proof of optimality in the ADP field so far. In order to apply into the distributed energy interconnection system, we reveal the intrinsic mechanisms linking coupled energy consumption and optimal cooperative indicators, establish an adaptive mechanism for updating approximate weight parameters, and propose an online distributed self-learning method for optimizing cooperative control. We establish a dual-impulse interval switching control strategy, forming a method for designing the stability domain of generalized eigenvalues through self-learning iteration. Based on this, the real-time performance and robustness of optimized cooperation under sudden working conditions is enhanced, achieving cost optimization including control costs. Furthermore, the exponential cooperative convergence with arbitrary precision within a specified time frame is ensured. Finally, the international challenges of optimizing cooperation among nonlinear multi-agents that current methods such as quadratic optimal, inverse optimal are overcame. Thus, the convergence speed regarding current and voltage is increased by 30% for power grid.In safe operation issue, the main problems are shown as follows: (1) The actual pipeline monitoring applies pressure data at both ends for leakage detection, but the traditional negative pressure wave analysis method cannot meet the needs of rapid alarms for weak pipeline leakage and accurate location of leakage points; (2) Foreign monopoly of pipeline inspection would make vital data of China leakage, leading to hidden dangers in energy information security, while foreign technical services provided by the submarine pipeline defect reconstruction accuracy is insufficient; (3) Existing land pipeline communication is unable to realize long-distance communication of submarine pipelines, and there is no available internal detector location technology, so it is urgent to develop a submarine pipeline safety monitoring system with independent intellectual property rights. Thus, we propose a chaotic synchronization-based fast detection for weak leakage. Firstly, a fuzzy hyperbolic tangent model is designed to model the pipeline fluid dynamics, and the chaotic dynamics of the pipeline fluid is applied to magnify the weak leakage signal. Secondly, data filtering and on-line self-tuning of localization parameters are constructed to reproduce the actual signal and accurately capture the location of sudden changes during leaks. Thirdly, adaptive pressure-transmission (P-T) dynamics model is constructed to locate leakage points. Bio: Dr. Huaguang Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in thermal power engineering and automation from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 1991. He joined the Department of Automatic Control, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 1992, as a Postdoctoral Fellow for two years, where he has been a Professor and the Head of the Institute of Electric Automation, School of Information Science and Engineering since 1994. He has authored and coauthored over 300 journal and conference papers, 6 monographs, and co-invented 90 patents. His main research interests are fuzzy control, stochastic system control, neural networks-based control, nonlinear control, and their applications. Prof. Zhang was awarded the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation Award from the National Natural Science Foundation Committee of China in 2003, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS 2012 Outstanding Paper Award, and the A. P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award 2015. He was named the Cheung Kong Scholar by the Education Ministry of China in 2005. He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS from 2008 to 2013. He is an Associate Editor of Automatica, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS, and Neurocomputing. He is the E-Letter Chair of IEEE CIS Society and the Former Chair of the Adaptive Dynamic Programming and the Reinforcement Learning Technical Committee on the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
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| Plenary Talk 2 |
| Speaker: Huaguang Zhang, IEEE Fellow